Wednesday, July 6, 2011

When journals become public

Admittedly I've always struggled with the concept of blogs, as the world knows them now. When I was first introduced to blogs, in the early 2000s, the concept of a blog was explained to be not unlike an online journal, abet a very public online journal. It was also a social playground ripe for gossip and cyber-bullying. You could write anything, but if someone found that post, and received it the wrong way, or even the right way... Nothing is personal in a journal when that journal is on the internet.

I don't know when blogs as I know them now came to be the norm. Perhaps it was always as such, although being stuck in the realms of Xanga and Livejournal might have retarded my internet growth rate. I'm certainly used to something far different than what I've been seeing.

At the moment I need to stop and reevaluating what is going on, and where I want to go with it. Having three, or four online journals is silly, and more than a little bit erring on the dangerous side of life, in my opinion. At the same time, I feel that having many blogs, each dedicated to solely one aspect of my life can easily become overwhelming as well as confusing.

I am under no illusion that a true blog is alot of work. But for the most part, I do not think that I intend this to be a true blog. This is a project more as an outlet for confusion, creativity, and general kookiness. Hopefully I can keep it lighthearted and uplifting. It is also a chronicle, so I may look back and see what I was, and how I was, today or tomorrow.

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