Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Finals week officially starts Saturday (language finals are on saturday) and everyone is already going nuts. I know I'm definitely feeling the heat. Upcoming for me is a skit presentation in-class on Friday for French, Final on Saturday morning for French. Finals for Philosophy of Mind, and Philosophy of Science on Tuesday, and 10 page paper for Philosophy of Religion due on Thursday! It's going to be a while ride!

I've had some time to play with some drink mixes in combination with my sparkling (sparkle-y? :D) water. Here's two I made up for tonight's study session. They're also my sustenance for the night until I can get home and get some dinner.

In the black bottle is sparkle-y water with some Gatorade(TM) powder mixed in. See how low the line is? That's what results when you add flavor powder to the drink TOO FAST. It fizzes. It fizzed out of the bottle and onto the kitchen counter and some into the sink when I got it there. It was alarming, but made me laugh at myself. The water fill-line is between where the levels for the pink and black bottles are.

In the pink bottle is simply some vanilla syrup and some crushed grapes. You can see the red seedless grapes in the quart-sized water bottle that I brought for a snack. I crushed about 5 of them and then poured the exposed fruit and juice into the bottle. I didn't crush it very well. Here's a picture of the grapes as they float down from being shaken up for effect. You can bet that I'm not going to touch that bottle again for awhile, to wait for bubbles and all. :)

Good luck to all my fellow students that are suffering finals! You shouldn't be reading this because you should be studying! But I'm a hypocrite because I probably shouldn't be blogging during finals week either.

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