Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let the break begin!

Ahh. It feels good to be home.

A few updates:

  • Now 22 yrs old and ready to rock and roll!
    • My new age actually hasn't really sunk in yet. Usually by the time it sinks in, another birthday is around the corner. I hadn't gotten used to being 21 yet...
  • Drive home starting at 5pm was surprisingly traffic free today, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. 
  • I feel like I haven't seen anyone in AGES. Let's hang out!
  • This break I shall: read, eat, exercise, sleep, forget about homework until the weekend.
  • Maybe practice some calligraphy?
    • I brought home my PP pens, but forgot to bring any extra ink, or my dip pens. The practice might be short-lived.
  • My sister tells be we're having banh cuon for thanksgiving. O_o
    • I brought home a sugar pumpkin. I guess we'll be having banh cuon and pumpkin pie. LOL, weird combo
  • I'm excited for Black Friday!
    • ... I'm broke. 

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