Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Relevation: Regarding Noodler's rollerball preppys

The very first bottle of ink I got was Noodler's Heart of Darkness. I was desperately trying NOT to be sucked into the world of fountain pens and had ordered a few cheap pens from Hero off of ebay and then got HoD off of Amazon. Long before I got the Hero pens, I received HoD in the mail. Now if I had gotten the Hero pens first, and that was my initiation into the world of fountain pens, then I probably would have not been likely to be sucked in, at least not as badly. Those pens were pretty bad, honestly. But along with the 4.5oz bottle of HoD came a Platinum Preppy converted into an eyedropper fill pen. I was hooked.

At that point I had only the one Preppy and some lackluster Hero's. But after my collection started to grow a bit I wanted to experiment with the rollerball tip that was included with the free Preppy. It was a joy to work with, but I still liked the fountain nib to the Preppy better, so I put the rollerball tip away and enjoyed the fountain pen.

Fast-forward. In a new bottle of some regular Noodler's Black ink comes another Preppy with rollerball tip.  Wanting to save the new tip for later, I try using the old tip. Doesn't work. New tip? It barely works. What's going on? It took me awhile but eventually I dug out the original Preppy filled with HoD, and switched the rollerball onto that, and the fountain tip onto the one filled with Black. Yes! It works!

Why is it that the rollerball works so much better with HoD then regular Black? I truly don't know. Maybe it's because HoD is somewhat of a wet ink. Compared to regular Black, it practically gushes out of the Preppy on the fountain nib. I suppose that now I'm truly experiencing the fine nib on the Preppy with the drier Black ink. I'm not sure yet if I like it though.

Question is- why include the rollerball tip with the Preppys in regular Black if they aren't going to work? I recently gifted a bottle of Noodler's Black to one of my friends, and she experienced the same issues with her rollerball tip. I have a new bottle of Concord Grape that I haven't opened yet, but it came with a Preppy without the rollerball tip. What's going on?

This post has been long, and rambling- the point was that the rollerball tip works with Heart of Darkness and not with Black. If you've made it this far though the post- kudos. I've got HW to get back to.

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