Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First week of semester

We started the semester on Monday, and I finally was able to register for my French course. I had had problems in the spring because the spaces were locked for potential freshmen, and then there was a glitch with the system so it couldn't read my placement test score. I managed to get an override in the afternoon and then register. I need two full semesters for my BA and this was my last chance of getting around to it. It's a little different being an immersion course, so I'm having a little trouble, but enjoying it.

I'm taking three philosophy classes this semester- Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Religion, and Philosophy of Mind. The irony of it is that Philosophy of Science in held in the school chapel, and Philosophy of Religion is held in the biology building. Unfortunately the heat is really wearing me down and makes it hard to sleep at night, so I ended up oversleeping and missing my first class yesterday (Ooops!), I have the same professor twice in the day too, so it was only somewhat awkward. The downfall of having the same professor twice is that you can't skive off only one class, the Prof will know.

I had an interview with the library today. I think it went well and hopefully I can start working next week.

We had our first research meeting today. Prof H is conducting studies on butterflies. He discussed the semester's research goal and started us out today by having us hand feed the butterflies. I was a bit skittish in grabbing my butterfly from the cage. Unfortunately the problem was more that the butterfly I was aiming for was on a leaf, and I'm not the most comfortable with plants. Butterflies? OK. Plants and flowers... ehhh. I will have to get over this ASAP Dr. H says though, as jerking away will cause more damage then grabbing them incorrectly. I suppose that he thinks that I'm more skittish of the bugs, which most people would be, I suppose. I call them Dr. H's Little Lovelies. Perhaps I'll take photos and such next time I'm in the lab.

I called Kindle customer service yesterday, the first chance I've had all week, because I've been having freezing and restarting issues with my Kindle. After a few false starts, some phone static and lots of repeating on the representative's part, they determined that my screen had gone defective or there was something wrong with the motherboard. Thus a replacement is on its way, and I will need to send back the defective unit. I wish that we could have resolved the issue via a software update or something, alas, if it's something they can't fix over the phone, then they don't question anymore into it I suppose.

I've already got a lot of work to do and many things to read. For now- Salut!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flashback, flashforwards

First a flashback-

This is a short film that I and some other students set up during my freshman year of college. Now entering my (hopefully) last year of college, I feel so much older, and disillusioned from myself back then. Now is more then ever the time to ask what the heck I'm going to do with my life.

The simple answer would be that I haven't a clue.

Perhaps I will expand on that later.